Thursday, January 17, 2013

There's Something About Something

The German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) asked what some have called the first and greatest philosophical question: “Why is there something rather than nothing?” That is, why does anything—star, planet, dust, ducks, people, plums, the universe itself—exist?

And thus we might begin a semester course in ontology and metaphysics. Or we might simply sit a moment in wonder. It could have been otherwise. It might have been otherwise. Rather than there being something, there could be nothing.

That notion was a prominent feature in the thinking of G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936). For Chesterton, the fact that there is something rather than nothing was cause for amazement and rejoicing. He celebrated that amazement in his poem “A Second Childhood.”

In the poem, Chesterton contemplates old age. Even at death’s door, he wants to be astounded at creation, at night and day, at the ground beneath his feet, and even at his own being. He hopes to stare at such things with all the amazement of a child seeing them for the first time.

Life is a gift. That something exists rather than nothing is cause for wonder—wonder in both senses: “I wonder why?” as well as wordless awe. The wonder that the world is and that I too am goes a long way to develop gratitude in our hearts. It is truly amazing since it could have been otherwise.

Rather than reading silently, read this aloud.

“A Second Childhood.”

When all my days are ending

And I have no song to sing,

I think that I shall not be too old

To stare at everything;

As I stared once at a nursery door

Or a tall tree and a swing.

Wherein God’s ponderous mercy hangs

On all my sins and me,

Because He does not take away

The terror from the tree

And stones still shine along the road

That are and cannot be.

Men grow too old for love, my love,

Men grow too old for wine,

But I shall not grow too old to see

Unearthly daylight shine,

Changing my chamber’s dust to snow

Till I doubt if it be mine.

Behold, the crowning mercies melt,

The first surprises stay;

And in my dross is dropped a gift

For which I dare not pray:

That a man grow used to grief and joy

But not to night and day.

Men grow too old for love, my love,

Men grow too old for lies;

But I shall not grow too old to see

Enormous night arise,

A cloud that is larger than the world

And a monster made of eyes.

Nor am I worthy to unloose

The latchet of my shoe;

Or shake the dust from off my feet

Or the staff that bears me through

On ground that is too good to last,

Too solid to be true.

Men grow too old to woo, my love,

Men grow too old to wed;

But I shall not grow too old to see

Hung crazily overhead

Incredible rafters when I wake

And I find that I am not dead.

A thrill of thunder in my hair:

Though blackening clouds be plain,

Still I am stung and startled

By the first drop of the rain:

Romance and pride and passion pass

And these are what remain.

Strange crawling carpets of the grass,

Wide windows of the sky;

So in this perilous grace of God

With all my sins go I:

And things grow new though I grow old,

Though I grow old and die.

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